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Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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Who we are
Guidelines 2006-2010
Independent Institutes

History, religion and ethnic belonging are elements of identity but it is necessary to prevent them from giving rise to mutual mistrust and hatred.
The differences of culture, values and religions are resources; but they should not prevent communication and exchange between different ethnic groups.

To build a policy of development and peace within the context of multicultural societies, it is necessary to know the different identities and the psychological borders within the theories about the world that are shared and worked out by people. It is necessary to find together the shared values as wells as the resources and perspectives that can be shared in order to build a common destiny.
To realize how to promote strategies of pacification even when a conflict of interests between groups and Countries seems prevailing, it is necessary to try to understand which are the points of agreement and the points of disagreement both considering their objective characteristics and the way they are mutually perceived.

As an answer to the conflict between ancient local identities and new global challenges it is necessary to open up to a new perspective of empowerment: to introduce the concept of “glocalization” as a combination of global opportunities and local interests in the strategies of local development in the Euro-Mediterranean area. As a matter of fact, global perspectives and local conditions should be integrated while strengthening local players when they have to decide how to use the new resources of communication and global exchange.

It is necessary to create a new connection between local resources and global perspectives, between past memories and competences and future resources of the communities. The awareness that the Earth is a common heritage of Mankind should encourage shared policies of protection of natural resources.

The most recent social research confirms that it is not possible to promote interaction and intercultural dialogue unless differences are recognized and respected and actions aiming at overcoming inequalities are undertaken. Therefore, it is necessary to go beyond tolerance; to establish relations overcoming stereotypes. The challenge is to establish relations of prosperity and justice with “the other being far away”.

Indeed, in order to reduce conflicts between cultures and societies, it is necessary to recognize the differences and make them to interact so as to be able to set up “super-ordinate” shared objectives. So, our remarks lead to some key words:

· Respect of differences and multi-dimensional, multicultural interactions.

· Solidarity rather than individualism: overcoming the loneliness of anonymous metropolises, giving value to the community.

· Interactions at local and global level between and within groups.

· Taking care of our world: environment and human kind.

· Identification and promotion of shared objectives through “super-ordinate” aggregations.

· Rights and justice as shared values of a new citinzeship.

Sometimes this appears as a utopia. However the Civil Society cannot renounce acting for the peaceful settlement of conflicts in the Euro-Mediterranean area.
The experts and the organizations, which follow the best practices in facing the present states of emergency caused by the war in the Mediterranean, cannot give up.

In this sense the Mediterranean Foundation carries out an action of information and dialogue against the construction and keeping of prejudices and stereotypes underlying the clash between civilizations; it is a means of solidarity, democracy and participation in order to achieve peace and shared development.

Caterina Arcidiacono
Vice President of Fondazione Mediterraneo

The Foundation’s Welcome
United for peace
Dialogue between
   cultures and shared
A Europe and the
The Sea and the Cities
Young people, the
   resource of the future

Caterina Arcidiacono
Fondazione Mediterraneo

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