The Logo Of Fondazione Mediterraneo

Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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 Inglese Francese Italiano 

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La Maison de la Méditerranée

Who we are
Guidelines 2006-2010
Independent Institutes


Welcome to the Fondazione Mediterraneo Web Site. The Foundation proposes itself as a key subject of the Mediterranean Civil Society working towards the creation of an effective dialogue among the people living on its shores. It paid particular attention to South-Eastern Europe and the countries of the Southern shore, that due to historical events occupied a secondary role in terms of culture and international politics of the last few centuries.

A post-colonial era cannot be conceived of in a serious manner without sensing the deep unity which ties all countries of the Mediterranean, whatever their degree of social and economic development. Lacking this harmonising vision and its consequent unifying conduct, many Mediterranean countries will find difficulties in coming out of the situation they fell in the historical period when they were objects rather than subjects (slave trade, colonialism, exploitation of the South; stagnation under the great empires and conditions of underdevelopment for the South-East).

In order to overcome this phase and to reach a full and equalitarian participation a change in conscience is needed, based on the recognition of the role played by those Countries in the shared history, and a political revolution that overcomes direct or indirect assistance in order to enter a true partnership logic, able to rediscover and respect the historical individuality and the cultural uniqueness of all Mediterranean people in order to establish equalitarian form of association.

Essential preamble of this process is a new vision of the Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean must be seen in its entirety, not partially by sector or region.
Upon this concept the Fondazione Mediterraneo has structured its main actions, proposing young people as a resource for the future and for the peace in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Nullo Minissi
Scientific Director


The Foundation’s Welcome
United for peace
Dialogue between
   cultures and shared
A Europe and the
The Sea and the Cities
Young people, the
   resource of the future

Nullo Minissi
Scientific Director

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