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Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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La Maison de la Méditerranée

Who we are
Guidelines 2006-2010
Independent Institutes

A coalition of shared values

1. The Fondazione Mediterraneo has as its main objective the institution of a Coalition of Shared Values and Interests among the countries which, through the centuries, have acted around the Mediterranean – such as the Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic cultures – and which today, in continuing their social and cultural reciprocal influences, represent the area of the “Greater Mediterranean”: a tradition of synergies, sometimes tumultuous and troubled, but from which an indissoluble interdependence arose, stronger than all contrasts, hostilities, and wars. The Fondazione, which during the last ten years has made valuable these synergies, giving them importance, wishes now to go on in the name of peace and cooperation among the populations and in respect of the fundamental rights set forth in the UN charter.

2. The Coalition acts on the premise of developing models and programmes for cultural and material growth within the region, based on the concepts of equal dignity and mutual respect among different cultural identities – acknowledging that these peoples have their own principles and values, but at the same time must be open to exchange and discussion. Furthermore, the Fondazione is committed to the principle that fundamental human rights – including gender equality – constitute a common denominator among all peoples, and will support its partners’ efforts to actualise this vision in the “Greater Mediterranean”.

3. The Fondazione has decided to launch a five-year programme (2006-2010) entitled The Mediterranean, Europe, and Islam: Actors in Dialogue, its mission being to strengthen mutual understanding and co-operation among the countries of the southern and northern shores of the Mediterranean and Europe and the Muslim communities within and outside Europe. This programme will be realised through policies of recognition of the Other, (respecting the representative diversity and multiculturalism of Mediterranean societies) through the development of human exchanges in various fields, and the diffusion of knowledge and shared well-being. The programme will include different projects with specific objectives as part of the institutional activities of the Fondazione. In particular, the project entitled Social Participation and Mediation means to bring together prominent political and social actors in Civil Society from both the north and south banks of the Mediterranean, striving to promote analysis of the needs and priorities for social policies of inclusion which will allow them to become actors in dialogue and in development both at the local and global level.

4. The reconciliation in the “Greater Mediterranean” needs a search for Solidarity in Development. Young people must receive education and professional training in order to reduce obstacles to their personal development. A great effort is necessary to permit the equal inclusion of young graduates into the working world. As such, the Fondazione will start a specific action aiming at identifying individual formative needs in relation to new opportunities in the labour market of the “Greater Mediterranean”. Specific programmes must be organised for young people in view of introducing them to the different civilizations and the common cultural roots that cultural exchanges and reciprocal influences of the past have made flourish within a future oriented global vision in which the roots join with new challenges and opportunities.

5. The Fondazione, in the light of its vision and its awareness of the present contradictions of Mediterranean societies – unemployment, poverty, technological and organizational deficits, centralization of decision-making powers, etc. – promotes the study and research for the improvement of university systems and scientific disciplines: overall, to this end, a feasibility study will be performed of a Distance-Learning University of Science of the Greater Mediterranean.

6. The growing labour market mobility must be accompanied by the liberalization of exchange and of capital mobility. Different cultures and professions can progress in harmony, and can, together, improve the overall prosperity of the average individual, local communities, states and Federation of States. The Fondazione will promote studies which will facilitate the gradual opening of labour markets and the analysis of the factors which have so far hindered its progress and which can continue to hinder the achievement of these objectives. In the future, a programme will be promoted with the aim of creating exchanges among institutions in various fields, and networks for further exchanges will be constructed.

7. The openness to the global has not to damage local cultures and will have instead to merge tradition, modernity, and innovation. The engagement in a dialogue is envisioned in respect of new politicises where mutual cultural respect supports the defense of individual human rights. This is, in fact, the new frontier of social experimentation, in which intensive migratory processes have brought about a co-habitation of different religious and cultural groups. The Fondazione will continue to progressively formulate networks throughout every area of the “Greater Mediterranean” for the promotion of valuable publications about the region’s various traditions and also through ethno-cultural exhibitions, ethno- musical performances, and congresses exploring these cultures’ origins and evolutionary courses.

8. The diffusion of prosperity requires the promotion of a labour division and the development of comparative advantages. This is the climate to support the investments. The protection of people’s rights, of the weaker social classes, and of less-favoured areas, must be undertaken in consideration of market rules, combining efficiency and solidarity. The Fondazione will do its best to encourage optimal flows of investment, stressing the need of mutual trust, encouraging culturally-sensitive commercial methods, and stressing the natural tendencies of cultures to co-exist and develop in harmony, once the economic and social factors of inequality have been removed.

9. The social responsibility of an individual, of territorial communities, and of professional associations, will contribute with political and governmental ethics to realise the greatest common prosperity, to establish the principles of justice and equality, and to preserve the sustainability of eco-systems. A pluralist society will encourage the emergence of multi-partisanship and of a political dialectic founded on a variety of programmes through which the different parties will try to respond to the needs and aspirations of society. Governments will be composed on the base of one or more of these political programmes. No one solution can satisfy everyone. Democracy cannot be founded in a laboratory, nor can it be cloned. The combination of values and choices of political programmes from the citizens will make the best model of democracy for each country. The Fondazione will dedicate a newsletter for the discussion of these problems, and also to inform public opinion. The Premio Mediterraneo, the Chaire Averroès, and the main activities of the Maison de la Méditerranée will have as a point of reference the guidelines here expressed.

10. The construction of a Mediterranean society, solid in shared principles and values, is incompatible with the so-called “clash of civilizations”, the use of force, and the violent subversion of international political and social order. Those who proclaim evil ideology, those who instigate division, those who incite the usurpation of power must be morally isolated, especially if we are to eliminate future conflict. The Fondazione will act specifically so as to avoid offending human dignity.

The Foundation’s Welcome
United for peace
Dialogue between
   cultures and shared
A Europe and the
The Sea and the Cities
Young people, the
   resource of the future
* *