The Logo Of Fondazione Mediterraneo

Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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 Inglese Francese Italiano 

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Who we are


The Network


The Branches




La Maison de la Méditerranée

Who we are
Guidelines 2006-2010
Independent Institutes

A network for
dialogue and development

The Fondazione Mediterraneo is developing a work plan to accomplish the following:

1. Activities of network the branch offices of the Fondazione
2. Participation in the programs of the network to which the Fondazione belongs
3. Technical coordination-organizational of the main office
4. Coordination of the Maison de la Méditerranée
5. Management of the database
6. Management of the web site and portals
7. Management of the press bureau and of press reviews
8. Management of the library
9. Management of the spaces for lectures, seminars, meetings, workshop, shows and varied events of the headquarters/main office
10. Actions for international visibility
11. Construction of relations and institutional engagement with countries, institutions and associations of the Greater Mediterranean
12. Missions in the countries of the Greater Mediterranean and elsewhere
13. Organizations of meetings of high political cultural and scientific impact, with representatives of the states of the Greater Mediterranean (heads of state and government; ministers; ambassadors; presidents of regions, provinces and local community; university rectors, etc.)
14. Organization of the “Mediterranean Award”.
15. Activities of training and of research.
16. Publications of the Fondazione.

Moreover, the Fondazione is developing the following actions:

A – the direction of events, regarding initiatives conceived, realised and organised directly by the Fondazione (prizes, publications, advanced training programmes, workshops, seminars, lectures, concerts, shows, etc.)

B – The co-organisation of events, together with either partners within or of outside the Fondazione’s networks or of other networks to which the Fondazione belongs.

C – The support of events organised from outside of either partners within or of outside the Fondazione’s networks or of other networks to which the Fondazione belongs.

D – The accomplishment of broad projects, both autonomous in form and in response to local and international calls for proposals. Among the projects realised by the Fondazione are: Cinemamed, Medina, Medpride, Intercultural Dialogue, Civil Forum Euromed, Master’s training in complexity and human ecology, Euromedcafé, Medpeace, etc.

The Foundation’s Welcome
United for peace
Dialogue between
   cultures and shared
A Europe and the
The Sea and the Cities
Young people, the
   resource of the future
* *