obiettivo 1, Decreto Direttoriale Ottobre 2002, prot. N.1105/2002, pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale 13 dicembre 2002 n. 292. Miur  prot. 5092 - Decreto n. 1380 del 21/5/2004.


Project n. 57 

Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo

“Models of complexity and human ecology. Instruments for development of communities”



MASTER e-learning

Participatory Projecting and Social Mediation in a Euro-Mediterranean, Cross-cultural and Global Society

II level Master. 

The length of the master’s programme is 18 months (1500 hours of activity) .

Twelve scholarships of the amount of 12000 € are provided.


Call for selection


The Master


Didactical organisation of the Master


File the application



8 - 9 September 2005: First meeting


4 - 5 November 2005: Second meeting


16 – 17 December 2005: Third meeting


27 – 28 January 2006: Fourth meeting


17 – 18 February 2006: Fifth meeting


6 - 7 May 2006: Sixth meeting