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The present trend, affecting even the ruling class, to underrate the important role of culture and research risks to produce many bad consequences in the future of our country. The most advanced and industrial nations grant a lot of resources to research, and above all to basic research, that is not directly related to practical applications, but it's decisive in the long term. Besides, it allows to acquire competences that cannot be achieved in a short time and that can be very important for the flourishing, the development and the independence itself of the Country: pursuing its current way, as for what concerns the technological influence of basic research, Italy is meant to become more and more tributary to foreign Countries, with serious repercussions on the industrial system.
According to the most recent economic theories, it appears obvious that the industrial societies, based on the couple raw materials/workmanship, will be based on the alternative pair knowledge/work, and depend on the continuous development of research.
Carlo Bernardini has asserted that: "the cultural value of scientific research and its formative character (of the high-end specialization levels of competence) have to be recognized by the State as a permanent common heritage, and object of long-term investments and promotion".
Wealth and progress of a Country are more and more dependent on the research's guidelines and wide-ranging support in the field of humanistic and scientific culture. The true wealth of nations is Intelligence. Encouraging and promoting the intelligence of the new generations represent more and more the decisive factor of progress for the Peoples. If it is true that public life must constantly be recalled to the highest values of justice and education, considering them irremissible necessities, the same thing has to be applied to culture and research. A worthy ruling class should always keep in mind the warning pronounced by Erasmus, who stated that investing in culture is the secret of the shrewdest societies, whose wealth cannot be satisfied with the cash gold of coins.
It is difficult that a nation could save itself if its fresher and generous forces are not brought up in the light of intelligence, knowledge, and culture.
By the word "research" we don't refer just to a naturalistic kind of study. It is more and more necessary to get a unitary vision of culture that involves both naturalistic and humanistic research: all scholars are constructors of science. Besides, it needs to point out that research in humanistic disciplines, which involves the lowest costs, is necessary in order to define the cultural and methodological premises for all kinds of research. Research is not only the acquisition of brand new data but also the constant care of the products of human talent that include both the works of men and the image of the physical world within which men construct their history.
In a strategic perspective based on a long-term outlook, the very life of a country, of its institutions and citizens, gains new strenght and its universities, schools, enterprises, professions can flourish if science and culture are enabled to play their irremissible guiding role. Young people must be put in a position suitable to benefit from the national and international cultural heritage, to exchange experiences at a high level, and deal, confidently and safely, with the questions of contemporary research.
For its own wealth, its future, the national community, in its most organized form, the State, must be far-sighted and support by every means, as an essential factor of civilization and not as superfluous luxury, the worthier forms of science and culture, both those cultivated in the institutions, and those that often develop, among huge difficulties, within the Civil Society.
In order to measure the disproportion in the distribution of resources destined to research between Centre North and South Italy, it is necessary to remember the content of the Report produced by the National Commission for Southern Italy, addressed to the Ministry for Research, in which it is asserted that in Southern Italy, out of 100,000 inhabitants, there are just 35 working researchers, against 243 in Centre-Northern Italy, with a ratio of 1/7. It is also necessary to pay attention to the considerations contained in the Report about the perspectives that are opened according to those data: "If, for example, within 10 years, we would increase the amount of resources affected to research from the current 1.45% of GNP to 2.5% or 3%, it should be necessary to increase them by 5.6% per year and 7.5% in real terms. In this scenario, if we would change the current disproportion between the areas of the country (93% to Centre and North and 7% to the South) to get a ratio of respectively 70% and 30%, we should concentrate in the South almost the whole increment of resources, and the yearly increase would have to be equal to 3% in Centre and Northern areas and 23% in the South".
The strong development of humanistic and scientific culture could be the fundament of a new, modern and flourishing South. As a matter of fact, the problems of the South have not been resolved, on the contrary they have been, in the last decades of the Republic, increased because of the "monoculture" of public works, that has often produced corruption and serious waste of money. Besides, the continuous passing of acts in derogation of the existing laws about public accountancy causes heavy burdens to national revenues.
A strong development of culture and research in Southern Italy is moreover essential in order to give Southern Italy a role and an important and specialized function in the European integration process. The mentioned Report of the National Commission for the South has pointed out that: "the Mediterranean Arab and African world would not connect to the scientific system of Southern Europe if it were not of quality: it would skip it. The choice of its specific vocations, as it could be the holding of a new role in the Mediterranean area, is therefore connected to the quality standard of the system itself and its ability to link to Europe ".
According to these assertions, to preserve the Southern regions and prepare a European intellectual class, a deep turning in favour of culture and scientific research represents an irremissible necessity in Southern Italy, where the creative work has not seen any interruption and a lively sense of history has referred to its memory of the past to understand the present times and define future trends in a constant cooperation in the unity of the Italian nation that was formed in the course of an agelong historical process in which the South has been involved thanks to its contributions in terms of thought and action. The civilization of Southern Italy and its great islands is the civilization of the whole nation, in whose civil heritage some differences can be recognized, but it is impossible to perform antihistorical separations.
Therefore we call upon the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Parliament to give a strong signal in the demanded direction, before the passing of the next financial act.

Naples, March 13th 1996

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