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After the fall of its communist regime, and a phase of state disintegration, Albania has seen several fragile and imperfect forms of democracy.
The Western countries have supported them by means of financial contributions, in order to prevent the possible involvement of Albania in Bosnian conflict, rather than consolidating its new structures. At the moment of the predictable disaster, when many people try to escape and those remaining live in an upsetting insurrectionary situation, bereft of any clear and shared goal, European Union is urged to play its role in re-organizing the State, founding a true democracy and avoiding that the armament, through unclear ways, ends in the neighbouring zones already pervaded by violent tensions. Should these tensions break out, south-eastern Europe would be involved, producing unpredictable consequences also in the rest of Europe.
The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, that has taken upon itself the commitment to structure in an enduring and organized way the dialogue between civil societies, will bring the problems concerning Albania to the attention of the II Forum Civile Euromed - that is taking place in Italy in collaboration with the Istitut Català de la Mediterrànea - and will continue to face it in following specific Forums. The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo call on the EU Institutions to define their intervention in order to support the Albanian people in building up new and democratic political institutions and a safe state, and a healthy, free and rightful society.
The Foundation call upon the European Members of Parliament to subscribe this appeal.

Naples, March 17th 1997
Bruxelles, March 17th 1997
Most European Members of Parliament have subscribed to this appeal.

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