The Logo Of Fondazione Mediterraneo

Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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 Inglese Francese Italiano 

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La Maison de la Méditerranée

The Network
About the network
Partnership projects

The Fondazione Mediterraneo is an "Organisation-network" for the dialogue between cultures and societies of the Mediterranean area. It's made-up by local communities, Universities, Ong, associations and organisms of Euro-Mediterranean area. The network is an objective and a means for the Fondazione. It represents an instrument of interaction between different institutions and organisms working to a common and shared objective. It allows the synergic use of different competences and institutions' resources. Its aim is to streamline the know-how and tools of each organism. Many times was dedicated to the construction of internal network, so the Fondazione can referrer on more than a hundred of agreement with partners, four seats of Euro-Mediterranean reference, numerous thematic seats and bureaux. Working in network underline the importance of an "horizontal" model, based on protocols of agreement about co-planning and liability, so the structure of network of the Fondazione takes its operative form on specific project.

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