The Logo Of Fondazione Mediterraneo

Sharing values
Combating inequality
Constructing peace

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 Inglese Francese Italiano 

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La Maison de la Méditerranée

The Network
About the network
Partnership projects


The Fondazione Mediterraneo attends to network of associations and organizations of different Countries through partnership projects. Among which:

  • CinemaMed (in the context of community program "EuroMed audiovisuel") for the promotion of the Arab-Mediterranean cinema and for the institution of a school of high training for screenwriters of the South strand;

  • Medina, project of promotion and local sustainable development in the context of global processes of exchange, training and communication;

  • Medpride, (in the context of community program "Euromedis") to promote the establishment of the small and middle-sized enterprises.

  • Euromedcafé, short film contest "Another Look" and music contest "Another Sound" with selection of works produced by youngers from Euro-Mediterranean Countries.
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