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Secretary General on official visit to Italy


Strasbourg, 12.03.2003 - Council of Europe Secretary General Walter Schwimmer today begins an official visit to Italy which will take him to Rome and Naples, between 12 and 14 March, and which takes place in the light of the forthcoming Italian presidency of the European Union (beginning in June 2003).

In this context, Walter Schwimmer will give a lecture on the role of the Council of Europe in the "One Europe" at the Dragan Foundation in Rome (1, Piazza del Foro Traiano) at 6 pm on Wednesday 12 March.

On Thursday 13 March, Mr Schwimmer will meet Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, Foreign Under Secretary of State Roberto Antonione and Chairman of the Italian Senate's Committee for Foreign Affairs Fiorello Provera. The Secretary General will also hold talks with the Minister for Communitarian Policy, Rocco Buttiglione, Justice Minister Roberto Castelli, and the Minister for Regional Autonomy, Enrico La Loggia.

On Friday 14 March, the Secretary General will be in Naples to visit the Maison de la Méditerranée, at the invitation of Claudio Azzolini, President of the Italian delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. He will present the Mediterranean Peace Prize to Father Elia Chacour, a Palestinian Catholic priest who converted to Judaism in order to highlight the close relations between monotheistic religions.

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