Official visit to Italy, 

          12-14 March 2003


At the invitation of the Italian Government I visited Rome on 12 March 2003.  The programme of my visit is attached (appendix I).  The core issues during my discussions were the strengthening of relations between the European Union and the Council of Europe during Italy’s forthcoming presidency of the European Union, cooperation within the Euro-Mediterranean area, the Third Summit of the Council of Europe and the situation in South Eastern Europe and the Caucuses.  I further had the opportunity to discuss matters relating to the European Court of Human Rights, Cultural and Regional affairs. 


I also delivered a lecture at the Dragan Foundation for International Affairs and the role of the Council of Europe in the One Europe: the relationship within the enlarged European Union.  I also used this opportunity to state my position on the Iraqi crisis.  The text of my statement is attached at appendix II.


In addition, thanks to the excellent preparation by the Council of Europe’s Italian press correspondent, Mr Roberto Tumbarello I gave a fifteen minute live interview on national television (RAI Uno) during the very popular breakfast television programme “Uno Mattina”.  Besides setting out the role and tasks of the Council of Europe, I also recalled my position on the Iraqi crisis.  In addition, during my visit I was interviewed by several national and regional newspapers. 


On 14 March, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Italian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly and Vice-President, Mr Claudio Azzolini I visited Naples.  I gave a lecture at the Maison de la Méditerranée and awarded the Mediterranean Peace prize to the Palestinian priest, Father Ellias Chacour.


I would like to seize this occasion to pay tribute to the impressive work done by the Maison de la Méditerranée under the dynamic leadership of its Director General Michele Capasso, to develop dialogue between societies and cultures in the Euro Mediterranean region.  An impressive network supported by all governments concerned has been established throughout the Mediterranean and I look forward to close cooperation with the foundation in the future, notably in the promotion of inter-cultural dialogue.


I would like to thank the Italian authorities for their warm welcome, excellent organisation of the visit and their strong support for the Council of Europe’s activities.