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 Inglese Francese Italiano 

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* *
Fondazione Mediterraneo - Il programma SUMMER SCHOOL 2003

14 March 2003 from 12.00 to 18.00
Naples, Maison de la M嶮iterran嶪

Draft programme
Working lunch

1- Adoption of the draft programme and of the results of the last meeting (Bruxelles, 7 February 2003)

2- Preparation of the programme for the AER Summer School 2003
感resentation of intervention topics by the members of the OC
嵩ommon exchange of views

3- Practical organisation of the Summer School and the Youth Summer School

4- Draft budget for the Summer School 2003
感resentation of the guidelines (see document produced by the AER General Secretariat)
嵯ebate on the income and the expenditures

5- Decisions on the next steps to be taken concerning:
感reparation of the draft budget by the Hosting Region of Campania (deadline to be determined during the meeting)
感roduction of a First Announcement and the preparation of the programme for the Summer School (deadlines to be determined during the meeting)

6- Common Report of the AER and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities on the Summer School (and Centurio)
感resentation by Mrs De Rose, AER General Secretariat

7- Other

8- Date and venue of the next meeting

18.00: End of the meeting

Torna indietro
* *