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Attività delle Sedi
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Do you know an individual or an organization who has excelled in their work for the promotion of Gender Equality and new non-discrimination and equal opportunities framework strategy? Are you ready to nominate this individual or organizational representative for a prestigious, new award that honours their work?

The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (ALF) and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, are launching a new award: ‘The Euro-Mediterranean Award for Dialogue Between Cultures’. This annual award, which is to be bestowed by the 37 ALF National Networks, will recognise the achievements of individuals and organizations that have been at the forefront of promoting Dialogue, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities for All in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The new award has its roots in the wider “Mediterranean Prize”, created in 1997 by The Fondazione Mediterraneo

Candidates for the Award can be proposed either as an individual or as the representative of an organization, and must bear nationality of one of the 37 member countries of the Euro-Med Partnership, or of its observer countries ( Libya, Mauritania, Sudan). As youth is a key priority of the Anna Lindh Foundation, special attention will be given to candidates who have actively worked with young people or in the field of youth.

The Heads of the 37 ALF National Networks will elect the winner from a short-list of nominations of the member of organizations of the ALF national networks. Among the nomination proposals received up to 5 pre-selected candidates (short-list) will be chosen by the Presidency of the Jury, (among the nomination proposals received), on the basis of the number of preferences obtained and taking into account the number of countries from which preferences had been expressed.

Winners of the award will receive a trophy at a prestigious event, and will be invited to present their work through various activities organized by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and the Fondazione Mediterraneo. Click here for a full copy of the regulations of the Euro-Med.

Presidency of the Jury: Award

According to the Award Regulations, the Presidency of the Jury consists of Fondazione Mediterraneo, the ALF Executive Director, the HoN of two European countries (Malta and Cyprus until 2008 included), and the HoN of three Mediterranean partner countries, chosen according to a rotational system on a yearly basis. The Presidency of the Jury chose therefore for the edition 2007 the following three countries: Morocco, Jordan, and Lebanon.

For any further questions concerning the Euro-Med Award, please contact: and

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