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Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures
Fondazione Mediterraneo Regulations of the Euro-Mediterranean Award
for the Dialogue Between Cultures.


The Fondazione Mediterraneo (referred to as FM), Head of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures (ALF), created in 1997 the “Mediterranean Award”, which includes the following categories: peace, culture, art, media, architecture, cinema, social solidarity, institutions, literature, creativity, and diplomacy. This Award has been granted to individuals who excelled for their action in promotion of Euro-Mediterranean dialogue. Today, this Award is considered to be one of the most prestigious prizes of the Region.

In order to avoid duplication and reinforce existing actions, and in accordance with its statutory objectives, the ALF has decided to launch in partnership with the FM a special category of the ‘Mediterranean Award’ entitled The Euro Mediterranean Award for the Dialogue Between Cultures.

This decision was taken during the meeting of the Heads of National Networks held in Barcelona on the 27th of November 2005. Both partners have therefore drafted the following regulations of the Euro Mediterranean Award for the Dialogue Between Cultures:

Article 1 – The Award


The ALF and the FM establish the Euro-Mediterranean Award for the Dialogue Between Cultures, following the decision of the Heads of National Network taken at the Meeting of Heads of National Networks held in Barcelona, on 27 November 2005.
The Award will be dedicated to a specific theme each year, which will be chosen in accordance with the Barcelona Declaration principles and the mission of the Foundation.
The following bodies will be in charge of all arrangements of the Award: Presidency of the Jury, the Jury of the Heads of ALF National Networks, and ALF Secretariat.

Article 2 – Presidency of the Jury
The presidency of the Jury consists of:

The Heads of the Networks of two member countries of the European Union according to a rotational system on a yearly basis. Until the 2008 Award, these two countries will be represented by Malta and Cyprus, in accordance with the Dublin Euro-Mediterranean Conferences resolutions (May 2004), and other texts approved in following meetings,
The Heads of Network of three Mediterranean partner countries, chosen according to a rotational system on a yearly basis. For the 2007 Award, these countries are Morocco, Jordan and Lebanon.
The ALF Executive Director.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo (co-organizer of the Award)
The Presidency of the Jury shall have the following tasks:

Choosing of the annual theme of the Award.
Pre-selecting of a list of a maximum of 5 candidates (short list) amongst nominations received from members of the national networks.
Deciding on dates and procedures of granting the Award.
Deciding on the participation of winners in other activities of the ALF and the FM.
Article 3 – The Jury

The Jury is composed of the 35 Heads of ALF National Networks.
The Jury elects each year the winner of the Award.

Article 4 – National Networks
Members of ALF National Networks will be requested to submit their nomination proposals for the election of the Award winner.

Article 5 – Nominations and Winner Election
Procedures of nomination of candidates and election of winners will take place as follows:

The Presidency of the Jury will choose the theme of the year before the 1st of March (in 2007, theme was chosen in November 2006).
The ALF Secretariat will launch the candidates’ nomination procedure among members of the national networks before the 1st of April. The consultation will take place via e-mail and through the ALF web site.
Members of national networks shall nominate candidates before the 31st of May
Based on the nomination proposals addressed by members of the national networks, the Presidency of the Jury shall prepare a short list of a maximum of 5 candidates to be submitted to the attention of the Heads of Network before the 30th of.
The Heads of Network shall elect the winner on the basis of the short list before the 15th of July.
The Presidency of the Jury shall announce the results of the election before the 31st of July.
Article 6 – Criteria for the Nomination of Candidates


Candidates of the Award shall bear the nationality of one of the member countries of the Euro-Med Partnership, or of its observer countries (Libya, Mauritania, Sudan).
Nomination proposals should also include a C.V. and key reasons for the nomination, highlighting specific activities and achievements the candidate has achieved during the last three years. A candidate can be proposed either as an individual or as the representative of an organization.
A nomination can be jointly presented by several members of national networks. As ‘youth’ is a key priority group for ALF, special attention will be given to candidates who have actively worked with young people or in the field of youth. Winners of previous editions of awards granted by the FM cannot be proposed as candidates.

Article 7 – Criteria for the Pre-Selection of Candidates
The short-list (up to 5 pre-selected candidates) will be chosen by the Presidency of the Jury, among the nomination proposals received, on the basis of the number of preferences obtained, taking into account the number of countries from which preferences had been expressed.

Article 8 – The Award
The award will not consist of a financial contribution. The winner shall receive a trophy and shall be invited to participate in other ALF and FM activities to present his/her work. In 2006, Father Paolo participated in the ALF ad-hoc group “major misconceptions in intercultural and inter-religious dialogue” in cooperation with the Arab League, held in Cairo 15 – 16 October 2006; and the Dialogue Night held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on October 16th, 2006, where he was engaged in an intercultural dialogue with the youth participants of the Dialogue 21 Workshop held in Alexandria from 14 – 17 October 2007.

Article 9 – Award Ceremony
The Award Ceremony will take place each year, in the course of the second semester. Winner (or winners in case of equal scoring) will be invited to receive the Award during one of the Heads of Networks Meeting, or during the delivery of other ALF awards, or during any other prestigious event jointly organized between ALF and FM.

During the Award Ceremony, the winner will be invited to deliver a speech, and his/her speech will be published both on the ALF and FM websites

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