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(ANSAmed) - BERLIN, JUNE 4 - The approval of the resolutions for inter-cultural dialogue to submit to the European Parliament marked the end of the first session of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Parliament (EMYP) in Berlin on Saturday in which 100 young people from 38 European, North African and Middle East states took part. There is no decision yet on where the organisational structures of EMYP will be headquartered, candidates include France, Egypt, Morocco and Italy. Martina Scheggi, working for the 'labour committee', claims that "if the new seat will be in Naples, at the Mediterraneo Foundation, it has to be representative for all the members of the Parliament;" the final decision will be of EMYP anyway. The promotion of exchange of young Euro-Mediterranean students and workers and the creation of cultural events and centres to spread the cultures of the two coasts are two of the approved amendments: Italian Ouidad Bakkali, migration committee, said that "integration of the migrants can be favoured also through improving their image in the media." The opening to other cultures takes place only "if onés own culture is not treated as if it were a sacred cow" a young "member of parliament" said during the debate held in the seat of the regional parliament of Berlin. All the amendments to encourage Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and "to favour the movement not only of goods and services, but also of people" were approved by more than a two-third majority of the assembly. Representatives of the 27 EU states as well as delegates from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Mauritania, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia and Turkey took part in the event in Berlin, preceded by three days of preparation in ten separate committees which were followed by the plenary session of Friday and Saturday.
(ANSAmed). 2007-06-04 09:32

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