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The Civil Declaration of Barcelona
Barcelona, 29 November –1 December 1995

The Forum Civil Euromed was held in Barcelona on the 29th-30th of November and the 1st of December, 1995, following the Euro-Mediterranean Conference convoked by the European Union. It was attended by 1,112 social, economic and cultural representatives from 38 countries covering the EU and the whole of the Mediterranean and its area of influence.

The participants in the Forum Civil Euromed came from over a thousand institutions, bodies, decentralised cooperation networks, associations, centres with an interest in partnership, chambers of commerce, universities, regions, cities, companies, non-governmental organisations and trade and agricultural unions, as well as the UNESCO’s Mediterranean programmes and the European Community’s Med programmes.

The Forum Civil Euromed began assessing the Euro-Mediterranean Conference Declaration, highlighting that:

- The Declaration’s encouragement of greater participation by the civil society in the Mediterranean countries was very positive in that it favoured the protection of human rights and the consolidation of democratic institutions.
- The Declaration did not pay sufficient attention to certain very important issues such as the role of women and the migratory situation, nor did it give proper coverage to some essential sectors such as renewable energy or tourism.
- The financial framework set up by the European Union for the Mediterranean is a step in the right direction, although there is some imprecision regarding the access to it.
- The proposed free-trade area may well be beneficial, but the impact of such a zone must first be evaluated.
The Forum Civil Euromed then went on to look at specific themes, analysing the existing framework of action and putting forward new proposals to improve efficiency. The result was a lengthy list of over two hundred projects which provide the Euro-Mediterranean programme with a healthy impetus in the short, medium and long-term.

A summary of the work undertaken by the eleven sectorial Forums of the Forum Civil Euromed has already been presented by the various Forums’ representatives. Nonetheless, all the conclusions of the debates that took place were transmitted to the Generalitat de Cataluña, this being the institution that convoked the Forum and to the other sponsoring institutions: the Commission of the European Union, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Spanish government and UNESCO. This document will then be published at a later date.
Finally, the Forum Civil Euromed is to become the institutionalised platform for Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation. Its permanent seat is to be Barcelona and it is to be managed by the Institut Català de la Mediterrania d’Estudis i Cooperaci¢. The FCE’s plenary meetings will, in the future, be held successively in the different Mediterranean countries.

The Forum Civil Euromed will, through its existing study-groups, elect an international committee that will handle the following matters:

- The monitoring of all the resolutions of this first meeting in Barcelona.
- The formalisation of its own structure.
- The preparations for the next plenary meeting, to be held preferably in Spring 1997 in one of the Eastern or Southern Mediterranean Countries.

The Forum Civil Euromed highlights the necessary interdependence of the economic, territorial and socio-cultural fields, while at the same time insisting that the agreements reached by the different States will have only a minimal effect unless a significant degree of decentralised cooperation is attained. Only in this way will the Euro-Mediterranean Conference produce practical and positive results, improving the socio-economic fabric of the countries involved.

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