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Final Declaration
Valencia, 12-13-14 April 2002

The Valldigna Forum for the Mediterranean held in Valencia on 18, 19, 20 April 2002 brought together 227 people from 41 civil society organisations of 23 Mediterranean countries. The objective of the conference was to delve into the major current problems in the Mediterranean region, to study what structures and actions could be used in resolving such problems, and to propose new and more effective initiatives. Such initiatives are to be submitted to those inter-governmental institutions concerned and to the Euro-Mediterranean Conference, the European Union, and UNESCO.

Promoted and summoned by Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian autonomous government) from a social and citizen perspective, the Valldigna Forum is part of a sequence of actions hosted in Valencia which started with the Civil Euromed Forum and will come to an end with the Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers on 22 and 23 April.
After asserting the claim for immediate peace in the region, the delegates prepared a number of proposals aimed at consolidating a common peaceful space for progress and economic stability on grounds of equality for all Mediterranean peoples, cultural diversity, human rights, and democracy.

A summary of the Forum’s main conclusions and proposals is enclosed. Approved by a majority of delegates, these are some of the most outstanding:

1. Creation of a Mediterranean market on the basis of harmonised origin regulations and promotion of South-South integration.

2. Simplification of the MEDA programme and decentralised management of grants.

3. Establishment of a Fund for sustainable development and solidarity in the Mediterranean, after a private initiative and consisting of private agents and territorial communities.

4. Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean industrial ecology network.

5. Consolidation of a large cultural entity in the Mediterranean region taking into account the multiple structures and centres already existing in different cultural sectors.

6. Launch of a programme on Euro-Mediterranean cities of culture to designate a city from the northern and southern shore every year, the objective being the promotion of globality and cultural diversity.

7. Promotion and defence of human rights and humanitarian principles by building up a structure intended to complete actions already taken by active organisations in this field.

8. Actions relative to the media. Particularly, a digital and printed report should be circulated on the defence of the right to information and freedom of speech in the region, and a Mediterranean multimedia agency set up.

9. Creation of a Mediterranean museum partnership.

10. Setting up of a Watch Centre for the protection and promotion of immaterial heritage in the Mediterranean in coordination with UNESCO’s world heritage centre.


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