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Fondazione Mediterraneo - Il programma PROGRAMMA
Shaping the Strategy for a Sustainable European Union
Views from civil society and public authorities

Brussels, 26 April (2.30 pm – 6.30 pm) and 27 April (9.30 am – 5.00 pm)
ESC headquarters, Rue Ravenstein 2 1000 brussels

This hearing will provide an opportunity for stakeholders (businesses, trade unions, NGO’s, academia etc.) and public authorities to express their views on the commission Consultation Paper on the EU strategi on Sustainable Development published on 27 March 2001 and to contribute to shaping the Commission’s final proposal and the Goteborg European Council conclusions on the strategy.



2.30 pm – 3.00 pm
Opening session

Introductory statements by high-level representatives from the Commission and the Economic and Social Committee.

3.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Session 1

This Session examines general horizontal aspects of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy.

4.00 pm – 6.30 pm
Session 2

This Session focuses on three priority themes identified in the Commission Consultation Paper: public health, management of natural resources and ageing.

Key issues for discussions: Problems, (common) causes, obstacles to addressing them, objectives and action needed, as well as the role of stakeholders in changing unsustainable trends.

Following introductions by speakers from different organisations, participants in the hearing are invited to make specific recommendations on these issues.


9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Session 3

This Session focuses on three priority themes identified in the Commission Consultation Paper: climate change and clean energy, poverty and social exclusion as well as mobility, land use and territorial development.

Key issue for discussion: Problems, (common) causes, obstacles to addressing them, objectives and action needed, as well as the role of stakeholders in changing unsustainable trends.

Following introductions by speakers from different organisations, participants in the hearing are invited to make specific recommendations on these issues.

2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
Session 4

This Session aims to provide input to the Commission’s final proposal on the Sustainability Strategy and the Göteborg European Council conclusions.

The basis for discussion will be some key components of the toolkit described in the Consultation Paper, in particular policy coherence including improved co-ordination mechanisms in the EU Institutions and long term targets.

Following introductions by speakers from different organisations, participants in the hearing are invited to make specific recommendations on these issues.

4.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Closing Session

Final conclusions

Speeches by high-level representatives from the Commission and the Swedish Presidency.

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