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Fondazione Mediterraneo - Il programma III FORO FORMENTOR

The European Union enlargement and the
Euro Mediterranean Project

November 2nd and 3rd, 2001


    Friday, 2nd November 2001

15:30 to 17:00

  • Inaugural Session of the Foro Formentor

  • Welcome by Mr. Alfonso Cortina, CEO, Repsol-YPF

  • Speech by the President of the Spanish Government,
    H.E. Mr. José Maria Aznar

  • Inaugural Conference by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Mr. Hosni Mobarak

17:00 to 17:15

Coffee Break

17:15 to 17:30

Speech by the President of the Government of the
Balearic Islands, H.E. Mr. Francesc Antich

17:30 to 20:00

Political Round Table


Dinner offered by the President of the Spanish

Government, H.E. Mr. José Maria Aznar
Speech by H.E. Mr. José Maria Aznar

    Saturday, 3rd November 2001

09:00 to 10:45

Special Session

10:45 to 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 to 13:30

Economic Round Table

13:30 to 15:00

Buffet – Lunch

15:00 to 15:30

Conference by the Special Guest

15:30 to 18:00

Cultural-Social Round Table


Closure of the Foro

Torna indietro
* *