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Il Manifesto per le
   Alleanze tra le Civiltà


1. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a fully integrated cultural foundation with an independent identity that reports directly to H.E. the President of Egypt.

2. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is one of the projects of the 21st century, not only for its award winning design for a state-of-the-arts building, but also for the objective and goal it is here to achieve. It is reviving the tradition, the ancient Library of Alexandria once had, where scholars and other intellects met for research, discussions and inventions. The new library is setting the steps towards reaching the same worldwide fame.

3. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina has earned the title of “Fourth Pyramid”, from the physical aspect, but also for the intellectual aspects being a centre of dialogue, knowledge, performances, exhibitions and much more.

4. The library is keeping the book as one of its main resources, since the “book” is the symbol of writing and the most authoritative tool for information, knowledge and research.

5. The project of revival the Ancient Library of Alexandria is fully supported by the international community from its inception with UNESCO support until now, also with the support of the Council of Patrons, the Board of Trustees.

6. The Library is seeking to establish itself as an international centre of excellence and offer its services to the users through accessing its On-Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) remotely or in-house.

7. The main objectives of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina are planning and working towards globalisation, bridging the gap between North and South, East and West, resolving many problems and obstacles facing mankind, helping in the socio-economic development of Egypt, the Region and the world.

8. The library collection strategy shall be directed to the ancient library of Alexandria and Egypt, to the Mediterranean, to the Arab world and Africa. As for thematic focus, the library identified four main themes:

a) Science: specially history of science, ethics of science and new technology
b) Heritage of Alexandria and the region
c) Arts and culture
d) Development

In this context the Library established in April 2003 The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Centre to act as the link with other international institutions of mutual interest.

9. The Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation is a non-profit Organisation of Social Utility (Onlus), institued in Naples in 1994, whose members are specialised and internationally recognised scholars. It is legally recognised by the Regione Campania by decree no. 11315 issued on 22-3-1997; by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Activities and Heritage by a decree issued 20-4-1999 (published on the Official Journal no. 113 on 17-5-1999). In resolution no. 2228 dated 18-5-1999 the Regione Campania recognised it is a “body of high cultural standing”.

10. The Foundation has from its inception promoted dialogue between the populations that converge on the European-Mediterranean area, with special regard to the countries of the South, which for historical reasons have in recent centuries exercised a secondary role in international politics.

11. The mission of the Foundation is based on the principles of the equality and self-determination of peoples, and acts in the respect of pluralism and cultural diversity for the removal of prejudices and stereotypes.

12. The Foundation is a firm point of reference for the development of partnerships between governments and organisations and constitutes, together with its partners a “Euro-Mediterranean Network for Cultural and Social Dialogue”. It recognises in the Civil Societies of the Euro-Mediterranean countries (and primarily in the Regions, Cities, Local Communities, Universities, Professional Associations, Trades Unions, N.G.O’s, Associations etc.) the protagonists of the economic integration, security and culture of Euro-Mediterranean partnerships.

13. The main objectives of Foundation are as follows:

a) to develop the dialogue between cultures and societies as a means to promote freedom and justice in keeping with the ethics of tolerance and the acceptance of diversity;
b) to act as an instrument to investigate solutions peace threatening problems through strategies for peaceful coexistence;
c) to act as a vehicle of cohesion for the achievement of a common management of the Euro-Mediterranean territory by bringing together the three fundamental Chapters of the 1995 Barcelona Congress, given below:

- The constitution of a common Euro-Mediterranean area of peace and stability based on fundamental principles in respect of human rights and democracy.

- The creation of an area of shared prosperity and free exchange between the European Union and its partners, and the Mediterranean partners themselves, to be assisted by a financial support by the European Union.

- Progress in reciprocal understanding and the development of an active Civil Society by means of dialogue between the cultures and societies.

14.The Foundation realised these objectives through the following Independent Institutes: The Mediterranean Academy, AlmaMed, EuroMedcity, IsolaMed, LabMed, with the objective of organising the dialogue between cultures and societies and to publicize and support the programmes of the European Union for the Mediterranean. It has, since 1999 instituted numerous Offices and Bureaux.


Represented by the President Arch. Michele Capasso

and the

Represented by the Director Dr. Ismail Serageldine

Agree on the following

1) Between the parties there will be a permanent collaboration:

- The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Centre shall be the link between the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation – Mediterranean Academy and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, with the aim to promote and protect the book cultural heritage of the Mediterranean, and to increase effective exchanges through the collaboration of Laboratory Mediterranean Foundation’s network all around Euro-Mediterranean Countries.

- To promote exchange of scholars from Euro-Mediterranean countries, recognizing the significant role of the Bibliotheca and its perspective in the effective virtual world, and promoting the library sections and services, for example the Taha Hussein Library which has opened new horizons for the blind and the visually impaired by enabling them to access all the resources of the library, as well as web resources.

- On building the project for the “Encyclopaedia of the Mediterranean”: a work putting together the great cultural and scientific resources of the Mediterranean, the Arab World and the Western Europe; it will be a teaching-educational tool for the dialogue and understanding of different cultures, scholars and institutions. The Encyclopaedia will be a multidisciplinary, cross-cultural and political perspective on the Mediterranean heritage and its future within a global frame.

- To hold the most important session of the Forum EuroMed, with the title “The Mediterranean City: Its Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” in Alexandria.

- The Alexandria and Mediterranean Centre will collaborate with the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation to produce publications, such as books, monographs and journals on the Mediterranean.

Arch. Michele Capasso
President of the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation

Dr. Ismail Serageldine
Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Date: 26.06.2003

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