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Research Valorisation policy
By : Pr. Abdelkader MOKHLISSE
Dean of the Faculty of sciences

MED PRIDE Project manager in Marrakech
Marrakech - October 3rd , 2003

I : Emergence of research valorisation policy

The International commitments of our country
- World Trade organisation ( Marrakech , 1994)
- Association agreement with the European Union (signed in 1996)
- Free trade agreement (still in study) with the United States

- Context of economic transition
- Competitiveness requirements

The National Context
- 1993 : creation of King Hassan II Academy of science and technology (not yet functional)
- 1997 : law n° 47-96 related to regions (new possibilities of partnership region-university)
- 1998 : creation of Secretary of State in Scientific Research
- 1999-2003:56.7 million Euro public funding for scientific research within the framework of quinquennial plan
- 1999 (October) :Adoption of the National chart of education which defines the main orientations in education , research , RD and valorisation of research and RD issues (priority to applied research, networking approach, principle of incubation, innovation support, integration of entrepreneurial culture, autonomy of university…).
- 1999-2000 : creation of special fund for RD within the framework of the organic law of finance (incentive fiscal measures for the enterprises)
- 2001(May) : law n° 01.00 related to organisation of high education (normative consecration of the main orientations of the national Chart)
- 2001(May): law n° 08.00 related to “public interest groups” : possibility to create PIG between University and sectorial partners.

New possibilities offered by the autonomy of the University
Article 7 of the law 01.00

Within the framework of missions assigned to the university by the law 01.00 , universities can :
- provide (by contractual way) services subject to payment ,
- Create incubators of innovative enterprises ,
- Exploit patents and licenses and commercialise their products.

In Conformity with legislation in effect, and within the limit of resources generated by their activities, universities can, in the objective to increase entrepreneurial activities :
- take shares in public and private enterprises , under reserve that these shares are not lower than 20% of the enterprise’s social capital.
- create affiliated companies oriented towards production, valorization and commercialisation of goods or services in the economic, scientific, technological and cultural domains, under reserve that universities detain at least 50% of the social capital of these affiliated companies.

The micro-context : Faculty of Sciences Semlalia –Marrakech
•Acquisition of scientific equipment for experimentation and investigation
•Gathering research themes in accordance with interdisciplinary logics
•Fund raising and flexible-transparent management of funds (about 1million Euro managed between 1998-2002)
Gathering research themes in accordance with interdisciplinary logics
•Conversion of well established teams into Poles of excellence (water , date palm, olive , environment, valorisation of natural resources, new material,energetic, natural substances, geo-resources, natural eco-systems, medical plants…)
•Supporting emergence of young researcher’s teams (financial mathematics, operational research, biotechnology, food sciences, polyphenols,polymers, Triassic period in Morocco, astrophysics and high energy, bio-speleology…)
•Encouraging accreditation of training -research units (about 46)
•Mobilisation of national and international capital of relations around relevant research themes

II : Valorisation of research policy : strategic goals

Main Orientations :

A) Integration into national and Euro-Mediterranean networks of technology transfer
1 - National networks of valorisation :
- Technology Transfer National Network
- Industrial Engineering National Network
- The Moroccan Network of Incubation
2-Euro-Mediterranean networks :
MED PRIDE Project , MED NET’U , and some other INCO-Med projects

B) Playing the role of suggestion structure in the following domains
1 - Visibility and legibility of outputs research data :

adopt and implement international indicators of scientific research and RD (especially those elaborated by the OECD, Organisation for economic cooperation and development)
2 - The problem of human resources
Brain drain and scientific Diaspora matters
3 - National RD and ST policy within the framework of participative approach

C) Investing the new possibilities given by the autonomy of the University

Organisational tools
The research valorisation unit
MA IN Incubator
Offices OER OGS

1 - The Research Valorisation Unit
Created in January 2000
10 members
Missions :
- think and make proposals of concrete policies to follow, concerning valorisation of research , university–enterprise cooperation , and technological transfer.
- list the FSSM possibilities of expertise and consulting concerning research and R&D.
- determine the FSSM offer concerning R&D , and categorize the demand of the regional and national enterprise in innovation and R&D.
- encourage researchers to valorise their capacities and know-how (consulting , provision of services, technology transfer, creation of innovative enterprise, etc.)
- promote the scientific abilities of laboratories and enhance the opportunities of contractual relations development with enterprises.
- increase possibilities of communication and cooperation with the socio-economic environment (offer/demand adaptation)

2- Marrakech Incubator MA IN
Created in 2001
10 members
Missions :
- Detection , assessment, and support of research results , ideas , know-how and projects to be valorised and which can result in the creation of innovative enterprises.
- Providing scientific, technique , economic , financial, managerial and legal accompaniment of the projects selected for incubation
- Organization –for project carriers- of training sessions in relation with entrepreneurial culture and the creation-management of innovative enterprise’s process.
- To connect the project carriers with business leaders of enterprise and financial organisms (especially the capital-venture organisms)
- Contribution to introduce entrepreneurial culture in the academic curricula , and development of entrepreneurship awareness.

Other offices :
- Office of external relations (3 members) : manages about 100 national and international agreements of cooperation and contracts of research
- Office of graduate studies (4 members) : manages the academic affairs of 700 graduate students.

The Centre of Excellence…
- Designation : “Centre d’Innovation et de Transfert Technologique de Marrakech”
- Acronym: CITTM
- Creation : still in study
- Set-up and Start-up Framework : MED PRIDE project
- Normative framework : The university autonomy guaranteed by the law 01.00 of High Education
- Expected legal status : association or affiliated company (art7 , law 01.00), or Economic Interest groups (EIG)

Identity :
A central promoter for
- innovation , technological transfer to enterprise
- Entrepreneurial culture
A manager of
- niversity assets : scientific equipment , know-how, …
- Research outputs activities

Approach :

Expected activities :
- Management of projects resulting from innovation , technology transfer, and partnership enterprise-university
- Management of patents and licenses portfolios
- Creation of Spin-offs
- Management of participations in other companies related to university environment
- Scientific , technological and economic “veille” .

Status :
Business plan in progress

IV : Capacity

Human resources
- 464 professor-researcher
- 7 Engineers
- 59 Technicians
- 700 graduate researchers

Structures of research management
- Valorisation of research unit (10 members)
- Office of external relations (4 members)
- Office of graduate studies (4 members)

Some outputs
- 1066 master dissertation and PhD theses defended between 1978 and 2002 = 90% of University Cadi Ayyad dissertation and theses output

V: Some Exemplary programs

Marrakech Incubation
Package of services for project carriers:

- Physical and electronic address
- Fax and phone
- Personal computer and internet link
- A meeting room with technical facilities
- Scientific and entrepreneurial documentation
- Common secretariat
- Scientific and technological infrastructure of the Faculty and the partners
- Expert for accompaniment
- Animation team
- network of partners at national and international level
From 5 projects nationally selected for incubation , 3 projects are generated and incubated in MA-IN
Domains of incubated projects : chemistry and para-chemistry , agri-business, pharmaceutical industry

The « Doctoriales du Maroc » experience…
Example of adaptation

Sources of inspiration
1. The British experience of the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council
- Graduate Schools (EPSRC) created in 1968
- Increase PhD students’ awareness of the enterprise world
- Combination between tutor’s experience and case studies
- Group work in accordance with co-operation/competition model
2. The French Adaptation by «Association Bernard Gregory» : les “doctoriales” as a “French seminar”
- From PhD dissertation to professional project
- Improve employability of PhD students in France
- Involvement of Thesis supervisors
- Integration of «Research valorisation» matters.
- Model of business seminars for professionals
3. The Moroccan Experience

Launched in 2000 (3rd edition 2002)
Specific features
- Adaptation to the Moroccan entrepreneurial context
- Possibility of selection for an incubation process
- Importance of communication-facilitation skills in training agenda
Specific challenges
- Insertion of PhD holders into the enterprise structure
- Increase enterprises awareness of Research/Development and innovation issues
- 210 participants
- About 24 project simulated and assessed by industrialists , management professors, and other experts
- Some participants successfully inserted in entrepreneurial world (mining industry , new technologies )

VI : Prospects

Upcoming outputs
- Directory of scientific research 2000-2002 (complete tool for valorisation, data visibility and legibility)
- Better interaction between market-social needs and RD issues within a local – regional framework
- Deepen the participative approach
- Improve communication tools
- Develop the associative network with socio-economic actors
- Set up the CITTM

We think that with the partners of MED-PRIDE and the 3 main Sub-projects of MED-PRIDE which are :
1. Sharing and adapting the model of enterprise creation
2. Sharing and adapting the model for enterprise innovation
3. Dissemination and exploitation of ICT tools
we can success in these actions.

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