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Il Manifesto per le
   Alleanze tra le Civiltà
Speech by H.E. Suzanne Mubarak

A year has passed since the official inauguration of the Library. Despite this short period, so much has already taken place. We have officially established the Museums and Institutes under the umbrella of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. We have held exhibitions, symposia, meetings and performances of many kinds.

When we met in Aswan in 1990, we had the dream of reviving the spirit of ancient Alexandria and its Library, and though it did seem like a bold idea, I believe many of us feel that we are on our way to realizing it. We are gathered here today to mark a milestone: the completion of our first year, and also to pay tribute to the city that has graciously hosted the Library. Alexandria was one of the earliest conscious experiences in pluralism and the embodiment of Alexander the Great’s vision of a city where the peoples of the world could co-exist and together forge a universal culture. Since that time Alexandria has had a special place in the heart of Greece, and the Greek Community of Alexandria has had a special place in Egypt’s heart. Kinotis, the Greek Community of Alexandria was the largest in Egypt and it was the first foreign community to be formally established. Last year, the day following the inauguration of the Library, the equestrian statue of Alexander, donated by the people of Greece to the city of Alexandria, was unveiled. Tomorrow, another Greek gift to the Library, the bust of Alexander, will be unveiled in the Plaza. Today, we welcome many Greek friends among our international guests. We welcome you all who have come from across the Mediterranean to participate in our celebrations, and thank you for consolidating the bridges that are continuously being extended between our peoples.
This Library, through its activities, consolidates our sense of community and helps us in our long journey of learning and understanding.

An old Chinese proverb says:
If you plan for a year, plant rice
If you plan for a decade, plant trees
If you plan for a century, educate people!

Our Library is dedicated to that long-term goal, to empower a whole new generation to learn how to learn, and to help them and future generations on their individual journeys of exploration and knowledge.

We are grateful to those of you who join us today in celebrating the first anniversary in the life of our Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Suzanne Mubarak
President of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

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